In that moment, driving down roads that would be nearly to her now, I held the lyric 'we will be together all of our days' close to me, imagining nights she tucked me into bed with those same words. A decade later, I recalled the sunshine in her hair and the warmth of her voice in a way grief had allowed me to forget. I popped it into the CD player, cranked the volume and sang along, belting every word in my own subtle southern drawl.
My mom passed away when I was seven and it wasn't until recently, when I got my license and began driving the old minivan, that I rediscovered the coveted red CD. My dad, years later, cackles with laughter recalling how awful a singer she was, and how illuminated she would become serenading her family, even if she couldn't carry a tune. Driving to preschool or running errands, my mom belted every song in her thick southern drawl. "In our silver minivan, kept what I knew as the 'red CD,' a copy of Shania album Up!. Additionally, that memory also stands as a reminder of my mother's constant and sage dating advice to me in any relationship I've had: 'Find a man who likes to dance.' Cheers, Mom, to one day having someone to stop breakfast to dance with me, in front of the kids, to 'What a Wonderful World' on a jukebox, and showing my brother and I what love looks like." - Kylie, from Philadelphia That song holds a very special place in my heart as a reminder of those moments and the lessons my parents taught me. But no matter the year, there was an old jukebox in the corner of the restaurant and each year my parents would dance to the song 'What a Wonderful World.' In my own moments of frustration, I call upon that memory of taking a few minutes out of a busy day to show your love to one another in the simplest of ways, and how it can offer a hiatus from small annoyances of the daily grind. Oftentimes my dad would wait until the last minute to make reservations or plans for the holiday (much to my mother's dismay), so there would be years that those brunches would be less warm and cheery than others. We're far from perfect - in fact, perfectly flawed in many ways! But those sunny Sunday Mother's Day mornings would be shared over breakfast. If youve listened to it, you know exactly what Im talking about. "I grew up celebrating Mother's Day with brunch at a small restaurant in Bucks County with my family. That’s why when you hear your wedding song, the flavors of your cake or the sights of your uncle’s epic dance moves come flooding back into your mind. There are two moments on this song where Big Blacks noise rock reached an apex.